Sustainability — Science & Technology Institutions


--Top Program Services Earners --

The 77% Program Services revenue for the top 10 is a bit surprising because of their focus on a particular industry or technology.  The top 10 earn more than twice the overall average of 31% for the category.  Even though 77% figure is lower than the 96% average for the top Arts institutions, it represents dispersion amoung a large group and therefore  more sustainable.

--Bottom Program Services Earners --

The 9.6% average for the bottom 10, with simialr focus, is more expected.  The actual level of Program Services revenue of $670 thousand, is enough to support a small public-oriented staff.


Money is the root of all -- institutional survival.  Of course, management, public relations, expertise, facilities, location and collections matter.  But their contribution is necessarily measured by revenue because, to remain open, payments must be made at the end of the month to curators, utilities, creditors, and support services.

To examine how institutions make it, the charts at the right show the highest and lowest earners (as a percent of Total Revenue)  in three categories:  Program Services, Donations, and Business activity.

The rankings use percentages rather than $ amounts to reveal vulnerability to shifts in a single revenue source.

The three categories are a useful way of thinking about a CAN because each requires different skills, has a different culture, has different interloqutors, and is a somewhat independent activity.

Links to related areas:

  1. Return to the Perspective page, and link to the Performance page containing figures on individual institutions:




  2. Look at the balance of revenue obtained from the three sources:


  1. Return to home page:


Also see the Models page for deeper analyses of financial figures.


Program Services

--Top Donations Earners --

As with Arts institutions, some rely heavily on them.  This may be because this group is even more narrowly focused than the group leading in Program Services.  Even more than with other organizations that rely heavily on relatively few donors, these organizations are at risk from shifts in technology fashion.

--Bottom Donor Earners --

Even the Bottom 10 received significant Donor revenue, an average of 22%, compared to 7% for Arts institutions.


--Top Business Earners --

The Top 10 Business earners in the Science and Technology category obtain 47% of thier income from that source, amounting to an average of $1 million. The percentage ranges down to 28% as compared with the lower limit for this category of Arts institutions of 70%.

--Bottom Business Earners --

The Bottom 10 earn  2%, a figure similar to that for Arts intstitutions.  The average amount is $235 thousand, indicating relatively small financial resources.


Top 10  in Program Service Revenue

Bottom 10  in Program Service Revenue

Top 10  in Donor Revenue

Bottom 10  in Donor Revenue

Top 10  in Business Revenue

Bottom 10  in Business Revenue

Draft 11June 09